Friday, December 29, 2006

So you haven't seen my family lately?.....

I don't really have anything specific to blog about, hence the lengthy gap between now and my last blog. But I've been requested to post more of my family for those that I don't see often enough (or has been years since I've seen!) So per Kisti's's some recent shots of the fam (at least the ones I have on THIS computer) I can get more later. Some of you may not even recognize my sister, but especially my brother! I'm hoping to look different soon myself (New Year's Resolution to lose weight), but here we are....Have a great weekend and safe New Year! oh...and before the comment comes, the day we "paired off" and took the pix at Thanksgiving, Lacey had already left. Then Christmas came and it rained and still no pic with Lacey....My sister pix are on another cd at home. I'll do better next time, promise! =)